• [ANSI] Vintage Pi BBS

    From Lloyd Alexandre@1:153/151 to All on Thu May 16 13:54:30 2024
    _ _________ _ ___
    _ ____ _____| | / (_)___ / /___
    __ _____ ____/ __ \(_) / __ )/
    __ ) ___/| | / / / __ \/
    __/ __ `/ __ `/
    _ \ / /_/ / / / __ /
    __ \__ \| |/ / / / / / /
    _/ /_/ / /_/ / __/ /
    ____/ / / /_/ / /_/ /__
    / /|___/_/_/ /_
    /\___/ /_/ /_/ /_____
    ``:: telnet - rlogin - ftp - irc - abandonded war
    e - local msg bases ::''`:fs
    xnet - fidonet - commodore net - pinet - retronet:' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    About::..___________________________ ______________________________________Vintage Pi is
    a personal project I have been working on. It is a Raspberry
    Pi Image in which you can experience Vintage Computing. Within the im
    age youcan connect to BBS's as well as inside some of th
    e emulated systems.Vintage Pi BBS is home base for this
    project. Here you can download theimage download vintage
    software, and participate in the message boardsrelated to
    vintage computing.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _______
    Added three new echo networks, Commodore
    Net, PiNet, and R
    etronet. Thefollowing are the message bases
    you can find in each of the networks.C
    ommodore Net:1 C64
    /128 Discussion2 C64/
    128 Hardware3 C64/
    128 Software4 C64/128
    BBS Programs5 BBS/N
    etwork Ads6 SysOp/
    Test Echo7 Vic20
    Discussion8 Amiga Software
    9 General Discussion10 Am
    iga Discussion11 Amiga H
    ardware12 Amiga BBS Programs
    13 C= Emulation Discussion
    14 C= Buy, Sell &
    Trade15 C= Networkin
    g DiscussionRetroNet
    1 Amiga CNet BBS Conference
    2 Gaming Consoles/Handhelds
    Relate3 Amiga Computer
    s/Software/Hardwar 4
    Old Mainframes Related5
    Mystic BBS Conference6 MS-
    DOS Related7 Emulating R
    etro Systems8 Apple Comput
    9 BBS Advertisements10 Atari
    11 Commodore Computers/Software
    /Har 12 Coleco Adam C
    13 Any Retro PC Related Chat
    14 Sinclair Computers/H
    ardware/Soft15 Retr
    opie16 RetroNet Test E
    cho17 Suggestions For R
    etroNet18 Texas Instruments
    Computers/Hard19 T
    andy/RadioShack Discussion
    20 Synchronet BBS Conference
    21 RetroNet Classifieds2
    2 RetroNet General Chat
    23 RetroNet Administration
    PiNet1 General Chatter
    3 Running BBS On T
    he Pi4 Pi Hardware T
    opics5 Pi Amiga Emu
    lation6 Pi Advertisment ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~
    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Vintage Pi BBS vintagepi.asuscomm.com (1:153/151)
  • From Lloyd Alexandre@1:153/151 to All on Fri May 24 23:01:28 2024
    _ _________ _ ____ ____ _____
    | | / (_)___ / /_____ _____ ____/
    __ \(_) / __ )/ __ ) ___
    /| | / / / __ \/ __/ __
    `/ __ `/ _ \ /
    /_/ / / / __ / __ \__
    \| |/ / / / / / /_/ /_/ / /
    _/ / __/ / ____/ / / /_
    / / /_/ /__/ /|___
    /_/_/ /_/\__/\__
    ,_/\__, /\___/ /_
    / /_/ /_____/_____/____
    ________________________________________________________________ __..::vintagepi.asuscomm.com
    ::..``:: telnet
    - rlogin - ftp - irc - abandonded ware - local msg bases :
    :''`: fsxnet - fidonet - commodore ne
    t - pinet - retronet - Agoranet :'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    _____________Vintage Pi is a personal project I have
    been working on. It is a RaspberryPi Image in which you
    can experience Vintage Computing. Within the image youc
    an connect to BBS's as well as inside some of the emulated systems.
    Vintage Pi BBS is home base for this project. Here you can download the
    image download vintage software, and participate in the message boards
    related to vintage computing.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ______
    _________Added Agoranet to the message
    bases... ...|\. /
    \_\___/| |\__/_ /\|\______ \___/|: ___ | \_\____
    _/| /\________\__ |__| _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |__\
    \| \\ \ _ |/ _ // |\_ / _ \\ | _/_
    / | /\ \/ _)___ | \//| // | \
    _ //\| /___| \\_\ ______._\__\_____
    _ /__|______._\__|\___ /__ //_. |____ /__\/_________( _____|_____\/___|____\/___________:___\/__(______|__:___\/__
    Agoranet is now being resurrected to promote the best and longes
    t lastingANSI art group of all time and make sure a
    piece of it always remains whereit started -- in
    the BBS scene. It has had, and al
    ways should have apresence. Not only that
    , but to showcase and link together some of the best
    BBSs around today in active messaging.~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Vintage Pi BBS vintagepi.asuscomm.com (1:153/151)