• mpv

    From Maurice Kinal@1:153/7001 to August Abolins on Wed Oct 18 00:21:50 2023
    Hey August!

    < ye olde cut n' paste starts >
    $ mpv --no-video https://cbcradiolive.akamaized.net/hls/live/2041051/ES_R1PVI/master.m3u8
    Audio --aid=1 (aac 2ch 48000Hz) (48 kbps)
    Audio --aid=2 (aac 2ch 48000Hz) (96 kbps)
    Audio --aid=3 (aac 2ch 48000Hz) (128 kbps)
    (+) Audio --aid=4 (aac 2ch 48000Hz) (192 kbps)
    Audio --aid=5 (aac 2ch 48000Hz) (48 kbps)
    Audio --aid=6 (aac 2ch 48000Hz) (96 kbps)
    Audio --aid=7 (aac 2ch 48000Hz) (128 kbps)
    Audio --aid=8 (aac 2ch 48000Hz) (192 kbps)
    AO: [pulse] 48000Hz stereo 2ch float
    A: 05:34:49 / 05:35:19 (100%) Cache: 29s/1MB
    < ye olde cut n' paste ends >

    The above is for CBC Radio One Victoria. I checked and there is a windows version. It works, or at least the one I compiled for my linux box does.

    Life is good,

    -o o- -o -o -o o- -o -o -o -o -o o- o- o- o- -o
    (\ /) (\ (\ (\ /) (\ (\ (\ (\ (\ /) /) /) /) (\
    ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ... Ne nanwuht ne byð yfel, ær mon wene þæt it yfel seo.
    Nothing is misery unless one thinks it is misery.
    --- GNU bash, version 5.2.15(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
    * Origin: Little Mikey's Brain - Ladysmith BC, Canada (1:153/7001)
  • From August Abolins@2:221/1.58 to Maurice Kinal on Tue Oct 17 23:07:00 2023
    Hello Maurice!

    ** On Wednesday 18.10.23 - 00:21, you wrote to me:

    < ye olde cut n' paste starts >
    $ mpv --no-video https://cbcradiolive.akamaized.net/hls/live/2041051/ES_R 1PVI/master.m3u8 Audio --aid=1 (aac 2ch 48000Hz) (48 kbps)
    Audio --aid=2 (aac 2ch 48000Hz) (96 kbps)


    The above is for CBC Radio One Victoria. I checked and there is a
    windows version. It works, or at least the one I compiled for my linux box does.

    Never heard of mpv. Looked it up. Will check it out.

    BTW.. the Debaters archive only works with yt-dlp to a certain

    --- OpenXP 5.0.57
    * Origin: Mobile? ASIAN_LINK https://preview.tinyurl.com/y6rwskq (2:221/1.58)
  • From August Abolins@2:221/1.58 to Maurice Kinal on Wed Oct 18 18:10:00 2023
    Hello Maurice!

    Never heard of mpv. Looked it up. Will check it out.

    I can't speak for the windows version but the linux
    version looks to have what is needed to get the job done.
    I tried 'regular' internet radio stations and they all had
    absolutely no issues.

    Is it just a player? ..or can it also save to a file?

    BTW.. the Debaters archive only works with yt-dlp to a certain

    From what little I saw I noted that only so many older
    (archived) episodes are available to stream. "chicken or
    egg" wasn't one of them even though a search there was
    positive. I've never heard of yt-dlp but from what you're
    saying it is confirming what I initially thought about
    "The Debaters" archives.

    yt-dlp is a youtube-dl fork.


    When I found the "chicken or egg" episode, I had no trouble
    streaming it from the archive. There was a play button
    available on the site. But my goal was to save the episode to a
    file which yt-dlp acconmplished admirably.

    --- OpenXP 5.0.57
    * Origin: Mobile? ASIAN_LINK https://preview.tinyurl.com/y6rwskq (2:221/1.58)
  • From Maurice Kinal@1:153/7001.2989 to August Abolins on Wed Oct 18 22:55:40 2023
    Hey August!

    Hold onto your socks as the following command will list the features of mpv. Note the --ytdl* towards the end of this list of features. ;-)

    <Esc>:read !mpv --list-options


    --3dlut-size alias [deprecated] for icc-3dlut-size
    --a52drc removed [deprecated]
    --ab-loop-a Time (default: no)
    --ab-loop-b Time (default: no)
    --ab-loop-count Choices: inf (or an integer) (0 to 2147483647) (default: inf)
    --access-references Flag (default: yes)
    --ad String (default: )
    --ad-lavc-ac3drc Float (0 to 6) (default: 0.000)
    --ad-lavc-downmix Flag (default: no)
    --ad-lavc-o Key/value list (default: )
    --ad-lavc-threads Integer (0 to 16) (default: 1)
    --ad-queue-enable Flag (default: no)
    --ad-queue-max-bytes ByteSize (0 to 4.6116860184274e+18) (default: 1.000 MiB)
    --ad-queue-max-samples Integer64 (0 to any) (default: 48000)
    --ad-queue-max-secs Double (0 to any) (default: 1.000)
    --af Object settings list (default: )
    --af-defaults Object settings list (default: ) [deprecated]
    --afm removed [deprecated]
    --aid Choices: no auto (or an integer) (0 to 8190) (default: auto)
    --alang String list (default: )
    --alpha Choices: no yes blend blend-tiles (default: blend-tiles)
    --alsa-buffer-time Integer (0 to 2147483647) (default: 100000)
    --alsa-ignore-chmap Flag (default: no)
    --alsa-mixer-device String (default: default)
    --alsa-mixer-index Integer (0 to 99) (default: 0)
    --alsa-mixer-name String (default: Master)
    --alsa-non-interleaved Flag (default: no)
    --alsa-periods Integer (0 to 2147483647) (default: 4)
    --alsa-resample Flag (default: no)
    --ao Object settings list (default: )
    --ao-null-broken-delay Flag (default: no)
    --ao-null-broken-eof Flag (default: no)
    --ao-null-buffer Float (0 to 100) (default: 0.200)
    --ao-null-channel-layouts Audio channels or channel map (default: )
    --ao-null-format Audio format (default: no)
    --ao-null-latency Float (0 to 100) (default: 0.000)
    --ao-null-outburst Integer (1 to 100000) (default: 256)
    --ao-null-speed Float (0 to 10000) (default: 1.000)
    --ao-null-untimed Flag (default: no)
    --ao-pcm-append Flag (default: no)
    --ao-pcm-file String (default: ) [file]
    --ao-pcm-waveheader Flag (default: yes)
    --aspect alias [deprecated] for video-aspect-override
    --ass alias [deprecated] for sub-ass
    --ass-bottom-margin removed [deprecated]
    --ass-force-margins alias [deprecated] for sub-ass-force-margins
    --ass-force-style alias [deprecated] for sub-ass-force-style
    --ass-hinting alias [deprecated] for sub-ass-hinting
    --ass-line-spacing alias [deprecated] for sub-ass-line-spacing
    --ass-scale-with-window alias [deprecated] for sub-ass-scale-with-window
    --ass-shaper alias [deprecated] for sub-ass-shaper
    --ass-style-override alias [deprecated] for sub-ass-style-override
    --ass-styles alias [deprecated] for sub-ass-styles
    --ass-use-margins alias [deprecated] for sub-use-margins
    --ass-vsfilter-aspect-compat alias [deprecated] for sub-ass-vsfilter-aspect-compat
    --ass-vsfilter-blur-compat alias [deprecated] for sub-ass-vsfilter-blur-compat
    --ass-vsfilter-color-compat alias [deprecated] for sub-ass-vsfilter-color-compat
    --audio alias for aid
    --audio-backward-batch Integer (0 to 1024) (default: 10)
    --audio-backward-overlap Choices: auto (or an integer) (0 to 1024) (default: auto)
    --audio-buffer Double (0 to 10) (default: 0.200)
    --audio-channels Audio channels or channel map (default: auto-safe)
    --audio-client-name String (default: mpv)
    --audio-delay Float (default: 0.000)
    --audio-demuxer String (default: )
    --audio-device String (default: auto)
    --audio-display Choices: no embedded-first external-first (default: embedded-first)
    --audio-exclusive Flag (default: no)
    --audio-fallback-to-null Flag (default: no)
    --audio-file alias for --audio-files-append (CLI/config files only)
    --audio-file-auto Choices: no exact fuzzy all (default: no)
    --audio-file-paths String list (default: ) [file]
    --audio-files String list (default: ) [file]
    --audio-format Audio format (default: no)
    --audio-normalize-downmix Flag (default: no)
    --audio-pitch-correction Flag (default: yes)
    --audio-resample-cutoff Double (0 to 1) (default: 0.000)
    --audio-resample-filter-size Integer (0 to 32) (default: 16)
    --audio-resample-linear Flag (default: no)
    --audio-resample-max-output-size Double (default: 40.000)
    --audio-resample-phase-shift Integer (0 to 30) (default: 10)
    --audio-reversal-buffer ByteSize (0 to 4.6116860184274e+18) (default: 64.000 MiB)
    --audio-samplerate Integer (0 to 768000) (default: 0)
    --audio-spdif String (default: )
    --audio-stream-silence Flag (default: no)
    --audio-swresample-o Key/value list (default: )
    --audio-wait-open Float (0 to 60) (default: 0.000)
    --audiofile alias [deprecated] for audio-file
    --auto-window-resize Flag (default: yes)
    --autofit Window size (default: )
    --autofit-larger Window size (default: )
    --autofit-smaller Window size (default: )
    --autoload-files Flag (default: yes)
    --autosub alias [deprecated] for sub-auto
    --autosub-match alias [deprecated] for sub-auto
    --autosync Choices: no (or an integer) (0 to 10000) (default: 0)
    --background Color (default: #FF000000)
    --benchmark removed [deprecated]
    --blend-subtitles Choices: no yes video (default: no)
    --bluray-angle removed [deprecated]
    --border Flag (default: yes)
    --brightness Float (-100 to 100) (default: 0.000)
    --cache Choices: no auto yes (default: auto)
    --cache-dir String (default: ) [file]
    --cache-on-disk Flag (default: no)
    --cache-pause Flag (default: yes)
    --cache-pause-below removed [deprecated]
    --cache-pause-initial Flag (default: no)
    --cache-pause-wait Float (0 to any) (default: 1.000)
    --cache-secs Double (0 to any) (default: 3600000.000)
    --cache-unlink-files Choices: immediate whendone no (default: immediate)
    --capture removed [deprecated]
    --channels removed [deprecated]
    --chapter removed [deprecated]
    --chapter-merge-threshold Integer (0 to 10000) (default: 100)
    --chapter-seek-threshold Double (default: 5.000)
    --chapters-file String (default: ) [file]
    --config Flag (default: yes)
    --config-dir String (default: ) [not in config files] [file]
    --contrast Float (-100 to 100) (default: 0.000)
    --cookies Flag (default: no)
    --cookies-file String (default: ) [file]
    --correct-downscaling Flag (default: no)
    --correct-pts Flag (default: yes)
    --cover-art-auto Choices: no exact fuzzy all (default: exact)
    --cover-art-file alias for --cover-art-files-append (CLI/config files only)
    --cover-art-files String list (default: ) [file]
    --cover-art-whitelist Flag (default: yes)
    --cscale String (default: bilinear)
    --cscale-antiring Float (0 to 1) (default: 0.000)
    --cscale-blur Float (default: 0.000)
    --cscale-clamp Float (0 to 1) (default: 0.000)
    --cscale-cutoff Float (0 to 1) (default: 0.001)
    --cscale-param1 Float (default: default)
    --cscale-param2 Float (default: default)
    --cscale-radius Float (0.5 to 16) (default: 0.000)
    --cscale-taper Float (0 to 1) (default: 0.000)
    --cscale-wblur Float (default: 0.000)
    --cscale-window String (default: )
    --cscale-wparam Float (default: default)
    --cscale-wtaper Float (0 to 1) (default: 0.000)
    --cursor-autohide Choices: no always (or an integer) (0 to 30000) (default: 1000)
    --cursor-autohide-delay alias [deprecated] for cursor-autohide
    --cursor-autohide-fs-only Flag (default: no)
    --deband Flag (default: no)
    --deband-grain Float (0 to 4096) (default: 48.000)
    --deband-iterations Integer (1 to 16) (default: 1)
    --deband-range Float (1 to 64) (default: 16.000)
    --deband-threshold Float (0 to 4096) (default: 32.000)
    --deinterlace Flag (default: no)
    --delay alias [deprecated] for audio-delay
    --demuxer String (default: )
    --demuxer-backward-playback-step Double (0 to any) (default: 60.000)
    --demuxer-cache-wait Flag (default: no)
    --demuxer-cue-codepage String (default: auto)
    --demuxer-donate-buffer Flag (default: yes)
    --demuxer-force-retry-on-eof Flag (default: no) [deprecated]
    --demuxer-hysteresis-secs Double (0 to any) (default: 0.000)
    --demuxer-lavf-allow-mimetype Flag (default: yes)
    --demuxer-lavf-analyzeduration Float (0 to 3600) (default: 0.000)
    --demuxer-lavf-buffersize Integer (1 to 10485760) (default: 32768)
    --demuxer-lavf-format String (default: )
    --demuxer-lavf-hacks Flag (default: yes)
    --demuxer-lavf-linearize-timestamps Choices: no auto yes (default: auto)
    --demuxer-lavf-o Key/value list (default: )
    --demuxer-lavf-probe-info Choices: no yes auto nostreams (default: auto)
    --demuxer-lavf-probescore Integer (1 to 100) (default: 26)
    --demuxer-lavf-probesize Integer (32 to 2147483647) (default: 0)
    --demuxer-lavf-propagate-opts Flag (default: yes)
    --demuxer-max-back-bytes ByteSize (0 to 4.6116860184274e+18) (default: 50.000 MiB)
    --demuxer-max-bytes ByteSize (0 to 4.6116860184274e+18) (default: 150.000 MiB)
    --demuxer-mkv-probe-start-time Flag (default: yes)
    --demuxer-mkv-probe-video-duration Choices: no yes full (default: no)
    --demuxer-mkv-subtitle-preroll Choices: no yes index (default: index)
    --demuxer-mkv-subtitle-preroll-secs Double (0 to any) (default: 1.000)
    --demuxer-mkv-subtitle-preroll-secs-index Double (0 to any) (default: 10.000)
    --demuxer-rawaudio-channels Audio channels or channel map (default: stereo)
    --demuxer-rawaudio-format Choices: u8 s8 u16le u16be s16le s16be u24le u24be s24le s24be u32le u32be s32le s32be floatle floatbe doublele doublebe u16 s16 u24 s24 u32 s32 float double (default: s16le)
    --demuxer-rawaudio-rate Integer (1000 to 384000) (default: 44100)
    --demuxer-rawvideo-codec String (default: )
    --demuxer-rawvideo-format FourCC (default: 30323449)
    --demuxer-rawvideo-fps Float (0.001 to 1000) (default: 25.000)
    --demuxer-rawvideo-h Integer (1 to 8192) (default: 720)
    --demuxer-rawvideo-mp-format Image format (default: no)
    --demuxer-rawvideo-size Integer (1 to 268435456) (default: 0)
    --demuxer-rawvideo-w Integer (1 to 8192) (default: 1280)
    --demuxer-readahead-secs Double (0 to any) (default: 1.000)
    --demuxer-seekable-cache Choices: auto no yes (default: auto)
    --demuxer-termination-timeout Double (default: 0.100)
    --demuxer-thread Flag (default: yes)
    --directory-mode Choices: recursive lazy ignore (default: recursive)
    --display-fps alias [deprecated] for override-display-fps
    --display-tags String list (default: Artist,Album,Album_Artist,Comment,Composer,Date,Description,Genre,Performer,Rating,Series,Title,Track,icy-title,service_name,Uploader,Channel_URL)
    --dither Choices: fruit ordered error-diffusion no (default: fruit)
    --dither-depth Choices: no auto (or an integer) (-1 to 16) (default: no)
    --dither-size-fruit Integer (2 to 8) (default: 6)
    --drag-and-drop Choices: no auto replace append (default: auto)
    --drm-atomic Choices: no auto (default: auto) [deprecated]
    --drm-connector String (default: )
    --drm-device String (default: ) [file]
    --drm-draw-plane Choices: primary overlay (or an integer) (0 to 2147483647) (default: primary)
    --drm-draw-surface-size Window size (default: )
    --drm-drmprime-video-plane Choices: primary overlay (or an integer) (0 to 2147483647) (default: overlay)
    --drm-format Choices: xrgb8888 xrgb2101010 xbgr8888 xbgr2101010 (default: xrgb8888)
    --drm-mode String (default: preferred)
    --drm-osd-plane-id alias [deprecated] for drm-draw-plane
    --drm-osd-size alias [deprecated] for drm-draw-surface-size
    --drm-video-plane-id alias [deprecated] for drm-drmprime-video-plane
    --drm-vrr-enabled Choices: no yes auto (default: no)
    --dscale String (default: )
    --dscale-antiring Float (0 to 1) (default: 0.000)
    --dscale-blur Float (default: 0.000)
    --dscale-clamp Float (0 to 1) (default: 0.000)
    --dscale-cutoff Float (0 to 1) (default: 0.001)
    --dscale-param1 Float (default: default)
    --dscale-param2 Float (default: default)
    --dscale-radius Float (0.5 to 16) (default: 0.000)
    --dscale-taper Float (0 to 1) (default: 0.000)
    --dscale-wblur Float (default: 0.000)
    --dscale-window String (default: )
    --dscale-wparam Float (default: default)
    --dscale-wtaper Float (0 to 1) (default: 0.000)
    --dump-stats String (default: ) [file]
    --dumpstream removed [deprecated]
    --dvdangle alias [deprecated] for dvd-angle
    --edition Choices: auto (or an integer) (0 to 8190) (default: auto)
    --embeddedfonts Flag (default: yes)
    --end Relative time or percent position (default: none)
    --endpos alias [deprecated] for length
    --error-diffusion String (default: sierra-lite)
    --external-file alias for --external-files-append (CLI/config files only)
    --external-files String list (default: ) [file]
    --fbo-format String (default: auto)
    --fit-border Flag (default: yes) [deprecated]
    --fixed-vo removed [deprecated]
    --focus-on-open Flag (default: yes)
    --font alias [deprecated] for osd-font
    --force-media-title String (default: )
    --force-render Flag (default: no)
    --force-rgba-osd-rendering Flag (default: no)
    --force-seekable Flag (default: no)
    --force-window Choices: no yes immediate (default: no)
    --force-window-position Flag (default: no)
    --forcedsubsonly alias [deprecated] for sub-forced-only
    --forceidx alias [deprecated] for index
    --format alias [deprecated] for audio-format
    --fps Double (0 to any) (default: 0.000)
    --framedrop Choices: no vo decoder decoder+vo (default: vo)
    --frames Choices: all (or an integer) (0 to 2147483647) (default: all)
    --fs alias for fullscreen
    --fs-black-out-screens removed [deprecated]
    --fs-screen Choices: all current (or an integer) (0 to 32) (default: current)
    --fs-screen-name String (default: )
    --fullscreen Flag (default: no)
    --gamma Float (-100 to 100) (default: 0.000)
    --gamma-auto Flag (default: no) [deprecated]
    --gamma-factor Float (0.1 to 2) (default: 1.000) [deprecated]
    --gamut-clipping removed [deprecated]
    --gamut-mapping-mode Choices: auto clip perceptual relative saturation absolute desaturate darken warn linear (default: auto)
    --gamut-warning removed [deprecated]
    --gapless-audio Choices: no yes weak (default: weak)
    --geometry Window geometry (default: )
    --glsl-shader alias for --glsl-shaders-append (CLI/config files only)
    --glsl-shader-opts Key/value list (default: )
    --glsl-shaders String list (default: ) [file]
    --gpu-api String (default: )
    --gpu-context String (default: )
    --gpu-debug Flag (default: no)
    --gpu-dumb-mode Choices: auto yes no (default: auto)
    --gpu-hwdec-interop String (default: auto)
    --gpu-shader-cache Flag (default: yes)
    --gpu-shader-cache-dir String (default: ) [file]
    --gpu-sw Flag (default: no)
    --gpu-tex-pad-x Integer (0 to 4096) (default: 0)
    --gpu-tex-pad-y Integer (0 to 4096) (default: 0)
    --h String (default: ) [not in config files]
    --hardframedrop removed [deprecated]
    --hdr-compute-peak Choices: auto yes no (default: auto)
    --hdr-contrast-recovery Float (0 to 2) (default: 0.000)
    --hdr-contrast-smoothness Float (1 to 100) (default: 3.500)
    --hdr-peak-decay-rate Float (1 to 1000) (default: 100.000)
    --hdr-scene-threshold-high Float (0 to 20) (default: 10.000)
    --hdr-scene-threshold-low Float (0 to 20) (default: 5.500)
    --hdr-tone-mapping alias [deprecated] for tone-mapping
    --heartbeat-cmd removed [deprecated]
    --help String (default: ) [not in config files]
    --hidpi-window-scale Flag (default: yes)
    --hls-bitrate Choices: no min max (or an integer) (0 to 2147483647) (default: max)
    --hr-seek Choices: no absolute yes always default (default: default)
    --hr-seek-demuxer-offset Float (default: 0.000)
    --hr-seek-framedrop Flag (default: yes)
    --http-header-fields String list (default: )
    --http-proxy String (default: )
    --hue Float (-100 to 100) (default: 0.000)
    --hwdec String list (default: no)
    --hwdec-codecs String (default: h264,vc1,hevc,vp8,vp9,av1,prores)
    --hwdec-extra-frames Integer (0 to 256) (default: 6)
    --hwdec-image-format Image format (default: no)
    --hwdec-preload alias [deprecated] for opengl-hwdec-interop
    --icc-3dlut-size String (default: 64x64x64)
    --icc-cache Flag (default: yes)
    --icc-cache-dir String (default: ) [file]
    --icc-contrast removed [deprecated]
    --icc-force-contrast Choices: no inf (or an integer) (0 to 1000000) (default: no)
    --icc-intent Integer (default: 1)
    --icc-profile String (default: ) [file]
    --icc-profile-auto Flag (default: no)
    --icc-use-luma Flag (default: no)
    --identify removed [deprecated]
    --idle Choices: no once yes (default: no)
    --idx alias [deprecated] for index
    --ignore-path-in-watch-later-config Flag (default: no)
    --image-display-duration Double (0 to inf) (default: 1.000)
    --image-subs-video-resolution Flag (default: no)
    --include String (default: ) [file]
    --index Choices: default recreate (default: default)
    --initial-audio-sync Flag (default: yes)
    --input-ar-delay Integer (default: 200)
    --input-ar-rate Integer (default: 40)
    --input-builtin-bindings Flag (default: yes)
    --input-cmdlist Print [not in config files]
    --input-conf String (default: ) [file]
    --input-cursor Flag (default: yes)
    --input-cursor-passthrough Flag (default: no)
    --input-default-bindings Flag (default: yes)
    --input-doubleclick-time Integer (0 to 1000) (default: 300)
    --input-ipc-client String (default: )
    --input-ipc-server String (default: ) [file]
    --input-key-fifo-size Integer (2 to 65000) (default: 7)
    --input-keylist Print [not in config files]
    --input-media-keys Flag (default: yes)
    --input-right-alt-gr Flag (default: yes)
    --input-terminal Flag (default: yes)
    --input-test Flag (default: no)
    --input-unix-socket alias [deprecated] for input-ipc-server
    --input-vo-keyboard Flag (default: yes)
    --input-x11-keyboard alias [deprecated] for input-vo-keyboard
    --interpolation Flag (default: no)
    --interpolation-threshold Float (default: 0.010)
    --inverse-tone-mapping Flag (default: no)
    --keep-open Choices: no yes always (default: no)
    --keep-open-pause Flag (default: yes)
    --keepaspect Flag (default: yes)
    --keepaspect-window Flag (default: yes)
    --lavdopts removed [deprecated]
    --lavfdopts removed [deprecated]
    --lavfi-complex String (default: )
    --length Relative time or percent position (default: none)
    --linear-downscaling Flag (default: no)
    --linear-scaling removed [deprecated]
    --linear-upscaling Flag (default: no)
    --list-options Flag [not in config files]
    --list-properties Flag (default: no) [not in config files]
    --list-protocols Print [not in config files]
    --load-auto-profiles Choices: no yes auto (default: auto)
    --load-osd-console Flag (default: yes)
    --load-scripts Flag (default: yes)
    --load-stats-overlay Flag (default: yes)
    --load-unsafe-playlists Flag (default: no)
    --log-file String (default: ) [file]
    --loop alias for loop-file
    --loop-file Choices: no inf yes (or an integer) (0 to 10000) (default: no)
    --loop-playlist Choices: no inf yes force (or an integer) (1 to 10000) (default: no)
    --lua alias [deprecated] for script
    --lua-opts alias [deprecated] for script-opts
    --mc Float (0 to 100) (default: -1.000)
    --media-keys alias [deprecated] for input-media-keys
    --media-title alias [deprecated] for force-media-title
    --merge-files Flag (default: no)
    --metadata-codepage String (default: utf-8)
    --mf-fps Double (default: 1.000)
    --mf-type String (default: )
    --mixer removed [deprecated]
    --mixer-channel removed [deprecated]
    --mkv-subtitle-preroll alias [deprecated] for demuxer-mkv-subtitle-preroll
    --monitoraspect Float (0 to 9) (default: 0.000)
    --monitorpixelaspect Float (0.03125 to 32) (default: 1.000)
    --mouse-movements alias [deprecated] for input-cursor
    --msg-color Flag (default: yes)
    --msg-level Output verbosity levels (default: )
    --msg-module Flag (default: no)
    --msg-time Flag (default: no)
    --msgcolor alias [deprecated] for msg-color
    --msglevel removed [deprecated]
    --msgmodule alias [deprecated] for msg-module
    --mute Choices: no auto yes (default: no)
    --name alias [deprecated] for x11-name
    --native-fs Flag (default: yes)
    --native-keyrepeat Flag (default: no)
    --network-timeout Double (0 to any) (default: 60.000)
    --no-cache-pause-below removed [deprecated]
    --no-ometadata removed [deprecated]
    --noar alias [deprecated] for no-input-appleremote
    --noautosub alias [deprecated] for no-sub-auto
    --noconsolecontrols alias [deprecated] for no-input-terminal
    --nosound alias [deprecated] for no-audio
    --o String (default: ) [not in config files] [file]
    --oac String (default: )
    --oacopts Key/value list (default: )
    --oafirst Flag (default: no) [deprecated]
    --oaoffset Float (-1000000 to 1000000) (default: 0.000) [deprecated]
    --oautofps removed [deprecated]
    --ocopy-metadata Flag (default: yes)
    --ocopyts removed [deprecated]
    --of String (default: )
    --ofopts Key/value list (default: )
    --ofps removed [deprecated]
    --oharddup removed [deprecated]
    --omaxfps removed [deprecated]
    --on-all-workspaces Flag (default: no)
    --oneverdrop removed [deprecated]
    --ontop Flag (default: no)
    --ontop-level Choices: window system desktop (or an integer) (0 to 2147483647) (default: window)
    --opengl-backend alias [deprecated] for gpu-context
    --opengl-check-pattern-a Integer (default: 0)
    --opengl-check-pattern-b Integer (default: 0)
    --opengl-debug alias [deprecated] for gpu-debug
    --opengl-dumb-mode alias [deprecated] for gpu-dumb-mode
    --opengl-early-flush Choices: no yes auto (default: no)
    --opengl-es Choices: auto yes no (default: auto)
    --opengl-fbo-format alias [deprecated] for fbo-format
    --opengl-gamma alias [deprecated] for gamma-factor
    --opengl-glfinish Flag (default: no)
    --opengl-hwdec-interop alias [deprecated] for gpu-hwdec-interop
    --opengl-pbo Flag (default: no)
    --opengl-rectangle-textures Flag (default: no)
    --opengl-restrict removed [deprecated]
    --opengl-shader alias [deprecated] for glsl-shader
    --opengl-shader-cache-dir alias [deprecated] for gpu-shader-cache-dir
    --opengl-shaders alias [deprecated] for glsl-shaders
    --opengl-sw alias [deprecated] for gpu-sw
    --opengl-swapinterval Integer (default: 1)
    --opengl-tex-pad-x alias [deprecated] for gpu-tex-pad-x
    --opengl-tex-pad-y alias [deprecated] for gpu-tex-pad-y
    --opengl-vsync-fences alias [deprecated] for swapchain-depth
    --opengl-waitvsync Flag (default: no)
    --orawts Flag (default: no)
    --ordered-chapters Flag (default: yes)
    --ordered-chapters-files String (default: ) [file]
    --oremove-metadata String list (default: )
    --osc Flag (default: yes)
    --osd-align-x Choices: left center right (default: left)
    --osd-align-y Choices: top center bottom (default: top)
    --osd-back-color Color (default: #00000000)
    --osd-bar Flag (default: yes)
    --osd-bar-align-x Float (-1 to 1) (default: 0.000)
    --osd-bar-align-y Float (-1 to 1) (default: 0.500)
    --osd-bar-h Float (0.1 to 50) (default: 3.125)
    --osd-bar-w Float (1 to 100) (default: 75.000)
    --osd-blur Float (0 to 20) (default: 0.000)
    --osd-bold Flag (default: no)
    --osd-border-color Color (default: #FF000000)
    --osd-border-size Float (default: 3.000)
    --osd-color Color (default: #FFFFFFFF)
    --osd-duration Integer (0 to 3600000) (default: 1000)
    --osd-font String (default: sans-serif)
    --osd-font-provider Choices: auto none fontconfig (default: auto)
    --osd-font-size Float (1 to 9000) (default: 55.000)
    --osd-fonts-dir String (default: ) [file]
    --osd-fractions Flag (default: no)
    --osd-italic Flag (default: no)
    --osd-justify Choices: auto left center right (default: auto)
    --osd-level Choices: 0 1 2 3 (default: 1)
    --osd-margin-x Integer (0 to 300) (default: 25)
    --osd-margin-y Integer (0 to 600) (default: 22)
    --osd-msg1 String (default: )
    --osd-msg2 String (default: )
    --osd-msg3 String (default: )
    --osd-on-seek Choices: no bar msg msg-bar (default: bar)
    --osd-playing-msg String (default: )
    --osd-playing-msg-duration Integer (0 to 3600000) (default: 0)
    --osd-scale Float (0 to 100) (default: 1.000)
    --osd-scale-by-window Flag (default: yes)
    --osd-shadow-color Color (default: #80F0F0F0)
    --osd-shadow-offset Float (default: 0.000)
    --osd-spacing Float (-10 to 10) (default: 0.000)
    --osd-status-msg String (default: )
    --osdlevel alias [deprecated] for osd-level
    --oset-metadata Key/value list (default: )
    --ovc String (default: )
    --ovcopts Key/value list (default: )
    --override-display-fps Double (0 to any) (default: 0.000)
    --ovfirst Flag (default: no) [deprecated]
    --ovoffset Float (-1000000 to 1000000) (default: 0.000) [deprecated]
    --panscan Float (0 to 1) (default: 0.000)
    --panscanrange removed [deprecated]
    --pause Flag (default: no)
    --play-dir Choices: forward + backward - (default: forward)
    --player-operation-mode Choices: cplayer pseudo-gui (default: cplayer)
    --playing-msg alias [deprecated] for term-playing-msg
    --playlist String (default: ) [not in config files] [file]
    --playlist-start Choices: auto no (or an integer) (0 to 2147483647) (default: auto)
    --pp removed [deprecated]
    --pphelp removed [deprecated]
    --prefetch-playlist Flag (default: no)
    --profile String list (default: )
    --pulse-allow-suspended Flag (default: no)
    --pulse-buffer Choices: native (or an integer) (1 to 2000) (default: 100)
    --pulse-host String (default: )
    --pulse-latency-hacks Flag (default: no)
    --quiet Flag (default: no)
    --rar-list-all-volumes Flag (default: no)
    --rawaudio removed [deprecated]
    --rawvideo removed [deprecated]
    --really-quiet Flag (default: no)
    --rebase-start-time Flag (default: yes)
    --record-file String (default: ) [file] [deprecated]
    --referrer String (default: )
    --replaygain Choices: no track album (default: no)
    --replaygain-clip Flag (default: no)
    --replaygain-fallback Float (-200 to 60) (default: 0.000)
    --replaygain-preamp Float (-150 to 150) (default: 0.000)
    --reset-on-next-file String list (default: )
    --resume-playback Flag (default: yes)
    --resume-playback-check-mtime Flag (default: no)
    --right-alt-gr alias [deprecated] for input-right-alt-gr
    --rtsp-transport Choices: lavf udp tcp http udp_multicast (default: tcp)
    --saturation Float (-100 to 100) (default: 0.000)
    --save-position-on-quit Flag (default: no)
    --scale String (default: bilinear)
    --scale-antiring Float (0 to 1) (default: 0.000)
    --scale-blur Float (default: 0.000)
    --scale-clamp Float (0 to 1) (default: 0.000)
    --scale-cutoff Float (0 to 1) (default: 0.001)
    --scale-param1 Float (default: default)
    --scale-param2 Float (default: default)
    --scale-radius Float (0.5 to 16) (default: 0.000)
    --scale-taper Float (0 to 1) (default: 0.000)
    --scale-wblur Float (default: 0.000)
    --scale-window String (default: )
    --scale-wparam Float (default: default)
    --scale-wtaper Float (0 to 1) (default: 0.000)
    --scaler-lut-size Integer (4 to 10) (default: 6)
    --scaler-resizes-only Flag (default: yes)
    --screen Choices: default (or an integer) (0 to 32) (default: default)
    --screen-name String (default: )
    --screenshot-avif-encoder String (default: libaom-av1)
    --screenshot-avif-opts Key/value list (default: usage=allintra,crf=32,cpu-used=8,tune=ssim)
    --screenshot-avif-pixfmt String (default: yuv420p)
    --screenshot-directory String (default: ) [file]
    --screenshot-format Choices: jpg jpeg png webp jxl avif (default: jpg)
    --screenshot-high-bit-depth Flag (default: yes)
    --screenshot-jpeg-quality Integer (0 to 100) (default: 90)
    --screenshot-jpeg-source-chroma Flag (default: yes)
    --screenshot-jxl-distance Double (0 to 15) (default: 1.000)
    --screenshot-jxl-effort Integer (1 to 9) (default: 4)
    --screenshot-png-compression Integer (0 to 9) (default: 7)
    --screenshot-png-filter Integer (0 to 5) (default: 5)
    --screenshot-sw Flag (default: no)
    --screenshot-tag-colorspace Flag (default: yes)
    --screenshot-template String (default: mpv-shot%n)
    --screenshot-webp-compression Integer (0 to 6) (default: 4)
    --screenshot-webp-lossless Flag (default: no)
    --screenshot-webp-quality Integer (0 to 100) (default: 75)
    --script alias for --scripts-append (CLI/config files only)
    --script-opts Key/value list (default: )
    --scripts String list (default: ) [file]
    --secondary-sid Choices: no auto (or an integer) (0 to 8190) (default: no)
    --secondary-sub-visibility Flag (default: yes)
    --sharpen Float (default: 0.000)
    --show-profile String (default: ) [not in config files]
    --shuffle Flag (default: no)
    --sid Choices: no auto (or an integer) (0 to 8190) (default: auto)
    --sigmoid-center Float (0 to 1) (default: 0.750)
    --sigmoid-slope Float (1 to 20) (default: 6.500)
    --sigmoid-upscaling Flag (default: no)
    --slang String list (default: auto)
    --snap-window Flag (default: no)
    --softvol-max alias [deprecated] for volume-max
    --speed Double (0.01 to 100) (default: 1.000)
    --spirv-compiler Choices: auto (default: auto)
    --spugauss alias [deprecated] for sub-gauss
    --srate alias [deprecated] for audio-samplerate
    --ss alias [deprecated] for start
    --sstep Double (0 to any) (default: 0.000)
    --start Relative time or percent position (default: none)
    --status-msg alias [deprecated] for term-status-msg
    --stop-playback-on-init-failure Flag (default: no)
    --stop-screensaver Choices: no yes always (default: yes)
    --stop-xscreensaver alias [deprecated] for stop-screensaver
    --stream-buffer-size ByteSize (4096 to 536870912) (default: 128.000 KiB)
    --stream-capture removed [deprecated]
    --stream-dump String (default: ) [file]
    --stream-lavf-o Key/value list (default: )
    --stream-record String (default: )
    --stretch-dvd-subs Flag (default: no)
    --stretch-image-subs-to-screen Flag (default: no)
    --sub alias for sid
    --sub-align-x Choices: left center right (default: center)
    --sub-align-y Choices: top center bottom (default: bottom)
    --sub-ass Flag (default: yes)
    --sub-ass-force-margins Flag (default: no)
    --sub-ass-force-style String list (default: )
    --sub-ass-hinting Choices: none light normal native (default: none)
    --sub-ass-justify Flag (default: no)
    --sub-ass-line-spacing Float (-1000 to 1000) (default: 0.000)
    --sub-ass-override Choices: no yes force scale strip (default: yes)
    --sub-ass-scale-with-window Flag (default: no)
    --sub-ass-shaper Choices: simple complex (default: complex)
    --sub-ass-style-override alias [deprecated] for sub-ass-override
    --sub-ass-styles String (default: ) [file]
    --sub-ass-vsfilter-aspect-compat Flag (default: yes)
    --sub-ass-vsfilter-blur-compat Flag (default: yes)
    --sub-ass-vsfilter-color-compat Choices: no basic full force-601 (default: basic)
    --sub-auto Choices: no exact fuzzy all (default: exact)
    --sub-back-color Color (default: #00000000)
    --sub-blur Float (0 to 20) (default: 0.000)
    --sub-bold Flag (default: no)
    --sub-border-color Color (default: #FF000000)
    --sub-border-size Float (default: 3.000)
    --sub-clear-on-seek Flag (default: no)
    --sub-codepage String (default: auto)
    --sub-color Color (default: #FFFFFFFF)
    --sub-create-cc-track Flag (default: no)
    --sub-delay Float (default: 0.000)
    --sub-demuxer String (default: )
    --sub-file alias for --sub-files-append (CLI/config files only)
    --sub-file-paths String list (default: ) [file]
    --sub-files String list (default: ) [file]
    --sub-filter-jsre String list (default: )
    --sub-filter-regex String list (default: )
    --sub-filter-regex-enable Flag (default: yes)
    --sub-filter-regex-plain Flag (default: no)
    --sub-filter-regex-warn Flag (default: no)
    --sub-filter-sdh Flag (default: no)
    --sub-filter-sdh-harder Flag (default: no)
    --sub-fix-timing Flag (default: no)
    --sub-font String (default: sans-serif)
    --sub-font-provider Choices: auto none fontconfig (default: auto)
    --sub-font-size Float (1 to 9000) (default: 55.000)
    --sub-fonts-dir String (default: ) [file]
    --sub-forced-only Choices: auto no yes (default: auto)
    --sub-fps Float (default: 0.000)
    --sub-fuzziness alias [deprecated] for sub-auto
    --sub-gauss Float (0 to 3) (default: 0.000)
    --sub-gray Flag (default: no)
    --sub-italic Flag (default: no)
    --sub-justify Choices: auto left center right (default: auto)
    --sub-margin-x Integer (0 to 300) (default: 25)
    --sub-margin-y Integer (0 to 600) (default: 22)
    --sub-past-video-end Flag (default: no)
    --sub-paths alias [deprecated] for sub-file-paths
    --sub-pos Integer (0 to 150) (default: 100)
    --sub-scale Float (0 to 100) (default: 1.000)
    --sub-scale-by-window Flag (default: yes)
    --sub-scale-with-window Flag (default: yes)
    --sub-shadow-color Color (default: #80F0F0F0)
    --sub-shadow-offset Float (default: 0.000)
    --sub-spacing Float (-10 to 10) (default: 0.000)
    --sub-speed Float (default: 1.000)
    --sub-text-align-x alias [deprecated] for sub-align-x
    --sub-text-align-y alias [deprecated] for sub-align-y
    --sub-text-back-color alias [deprecated] for sub-back-color
    --sub-text-blur alias [deprecated] for sub-blur
    --sub-text-bold alias [deprecated] for sub-bold
    --sub-text-border-color alias [deprecated] for sub-border-color
    --sub-text-border-size alias [deprecated] for sub-border-size
    --sub-text-color alias [deprecated] for sub-color
    --sub-text-font alias [deprecated] for sub-font
    --sub-text-font-size alias [deprecated] for sub-font-size
    --sub-text-italic alias [deprecated] for sub-italic
    --sub-text-margin-x alias [deprecated] for sub-margin-x
    --sub-text-margin-y alias [deprecated] for sub-margin-y
    --sub-text-shadow-color alias [deprecated] for sub-shadow-color
    --sub-text-shadow-offset alias [deprecated] for sub-shadow-offset
    --sub-text-spacing alias [deprecated] for sub-spacing
    --sub-use-margins Flag (default: yes)
    --sub-visibility Flag (default: yes)
    --subcp alias [deprecated] for sub-codepage
    --subdelay alias [deprecated] for sub-delay
    --subfile alias [deprecated] for sub-file
    --subfont alias [deprecated] for sub-text-font
    --subfont-text-scale alias [deprecated] for sub-scale
    --subfps alias [deprecated] for sub-fps
    --subpos alias [deprecated] for sub-pos
    --subs-fallback Choices: no default yes (default: no)
    --subs-fallback-forced Flag (default: yes)
    --subs-with-matching-audio Flag (default: no)
    --swapchain-depth Integer (1 to 8) (default: 3)
    --sws-allow-zimg Flag (default: yes)
    --sws-bitexact Flag (default: no)
    --sws-cgb Float (0 to 100) (default: 0.000)
    --sws-chs Integer (default: 0)
    --sws-cs Float (-100 to 100) (default: 0.000)
    --sws-cvs Integer (default: 0)
    --sws-fast Flag (default: no)
    --sws-lgb Float (0 to 100) (default: 0.000)
    --sws-ls Float (-100 to 100) (default: 0.000)
    --sws-scaler Choices: fast-bilinear bilinear bicubic x point area bicublin gauss sinc lanczos spline (default: lanczos)
    --target-contrast Choices: auto inf (or an integer) (10 to 1000000) (default: auto)
    --target-peak Choices: auto (or an integer) (10 to 10000) (default: auto)
    --target-prim Choices: auto bt.601-525 bt.601-625 bt.709 bt.2020 bt.470m apple adobe prophoto cie1931 dci-p3 display-p3 v-gamut s-gamut ebu3213 film-c aces-ap0 aces-ap1 (default: auto)
    --target-trc Choices: auto bt.1886 srgb linear gamma1.8 gamma2.0 gamma2.2 gamma2.4 gamma2.6 gamma2.8 prophoto pq hlg v-log s-log1 s-log2 st428 (default: auto)
    --taskbar-progress Flag (default: yes)
    --teletext-page Integer (1 to 999) (default: 100)
    --temporal-dither Flag (default: no)
    --temporal-dither-period Integer (1 to 128) (default: 1)
    --term-osd Choices: force auto no (default: auto)
    --term-osd-bar Flag (default: no)
    --term-osd-bar-chars String (default: [-+-])
    --term-playing-msg String (default: )
    --term-status-msg String (default: )
    --term-title String (default: )
    --terminal Flag (default: yes)
    --title String (default: ${?media-title:${media-title}}${!media-title:No file} - mpv)
    --tls-ca-file String (default: ) [file]
    --tls-cert-file String (default: ) [file]
    --tls-key-file String (default: ) [file]
    --tls-verify Flag (default: no)
    --tone-mapping Choices: auto clip mobius reinhard hable gamma linear spline bt.2390 bt.2446a st2094-40 st2094-10 (default: auto)
    --tone-mapping-crosstalk removed [deprecated]
    --tone-mapping-desaturate removed [deprecated]
    --tone-mapping-desaturate-exponent removed [deprecated]
    --tone-mapping-max-boost Float (1 to 10) (default: 1.000)
    --tone-mapping-mode Choices: auto rgb max hybrid luma (default: auto)
    --tone-mapping-param Float (default: default)
    --tone-mapping-visualize Flag (default: no)
    --track-auto-selection Flag (default: yes)
    --tscale String (default: mitchell)
    --tscale-antiring Float (0 to 1) (default: 0.000)
    --tscale-blur Float (default: 0.000)
    --tscale-clamp Float (0 to 1) (default: 1.000)
    --tscale-cutoff Float (0 to 1) (default: 0.000)
    --tscale-param1 Float (default: default)
    --tscale-param2 Float (default: default)
    --tscale-radius Float (0.5 to 16) (default: 0.000)
    --tscale-taper Float (0 to 1) (default: 0.000)
    --tscale-wblur Float (default: 0.000)
    --tscale-window String (default: )
    --tscale-wparam Float (default: default)
    --tscale-wtaper Float (0 to 1) (default: 0.000)
    --tvscan alias [deprecated] for tv-scan
    --untimed Flag (default: no)
    --use-embedded-icc-profile Flag (default: yes)
    --use-filedir-conf Flag (default: no)
    --use-filename-title removed [deprecated]
    --user-agent String (default: libmpv)
    --v Flag [not in config files]
    --V Print [not in config files]
    --vaapi-device String (default: /dev/dri/renderD128)
    --vc removed [deprecated]
    --vd String (default: )
    --vd-lavc-assume-old-x264 Flag (default: no)
    --vd-lavc-bitexact Flag (default: no)
    --vd-lavc-check-hw-profile Flag (default: yes)
    --vd-lavc-dr Choices: auto no yes (default: auto)
    --vd-lavc-fast Flag (default: no)
    --vd-lavc-film-grain Choices: auto cpu gpu (default: auto)
    --vd-lavc-framedrop Choices: none default nonref bidir nonkey all (default: nonref)
    --vd-lavc-o Key/value list (default: )
    --vd-lavc-show-all Flag (default: no)
    --vd-lavc-skipframe Choices: none default nonref bidir nonkey all (default: default)
    --vd-lavc-skipidct Choices: none default nonref bidir nonkey all (default: default)
    --vd-lavc-skiploopfilter Choices: none default nonref bidir nonkey all (default: default)
    --vd-lavc-software-fallback Choices: no yes (or an integer) (1 to 2147483647) (default: 3)
    --vd-lavc-threads Integer (0 to any) (default: 0)
    --vd-queue-enable Flag (default: no)
    --vd-queue-max-bytes ByteSize (0 to 4.6116860184274e+18) (default: 512.000 MiB)
    --vd-queue-max-samples Integer64 (0 to any) (default: 50)
    --vd-queue-max-secs Double (0 to any) (default: 2.000)
    --version Print [not in config files]
    --vf Object settings list (default: )
    --vf-defaults Object settings list (default: ) [deprecated]
    --vid Choices: no auto (or an integer) (0 to 8190) (default: auto)
    --video alias for vid
    --video-align-x Float (-1 to 1) (default: 0.000)
    --video-align-y Float (-1 to 1) (default: 0.000)
    --video-aspect alias [deprecated] for video-aspect-override
    --video-aspect-method Choices: bitstream container (default: container)
    --video-aspect-override Aspect (-1 to 10) (default: -1.000)
    --video-backward-batch Integer (0 to 1024) (default: 1)
    --video-backward-overlap Choices: auto (or an integer) (0 to 1024) (default: auto)
    --video-latency-hacks Flag (default: no)
    --video-margin-ratio-bottom Float (0 to 1) (default: 0.000)
    --video-margin-ratio-left Float (0 to 1) (default: 0.000)
    --video-margin-ratio-right Float (0 to 1) (default: 0.000)
    --video-margin-ratio-top Float (0 to 1) (default: 0.000)
    --video-osd Flag (default: yes)
    --video-output-levels Choices: auto limited full (default: auto)
    --video-pan-x Float (-3 to 3) (default: 0.000)
    --video-pan-y Float (-3 to 3) (default: 0.000)
    --video-reversal-buffer ByteSize (0 to 4.6116860184274e+18) (default: 1.000 GiB)
    --video-rotate Choices: no (or an integer) (0 to 359) (default: 0)
    --video-scale-x Float (0 to 10000) (default: 1.000)
    --video-scale-y Float (0 to 10000) (default: 1.000)
    --video-stereo-mode removed [deprecated]
    --video-sync Choices: audio display-resample display-resample-vdrop display-resample-desync display-tempo display-adrop display-vdrop display-desync desync (default: audio)
    --video-sync-max-audio-change Double (0 to 1) (default: 0.125)
    --video-sync-max-factor Integer (1 to 10) (default: 5)
    --video-sync-max-video-change Double (0 to any) (default: 1.000)
    --video-timing-offset Double (0 to 1) (default: 0.050)
    --video-unscaled Choices: no yes downscale-big (default: no)
    --video-zoom Float (-20 to 20) (default: 0.000)
    --vlang String list (default: )
    --vo Object settings list (default: )
    --vo-image-avif-encoder String (default: libaom-av1)
    --vo-image-avif-opts Key/value list (default: usage=allintra,crf=32,cpu-used=8,tune=ssim)
    --vo-image-avif-pixfmt String (default: yuv420p)
    --vo-image-format Choices: jpg jpeg png webp jxl avif (default: jpg)
    --vo-image-high-bit-depth Flag (default: yes)
    --vo-image-jpeg-quality Integer (0 to 100) (default: 90)
    --vo-image-jpeg-source-chroma Flag (default: yes)
    --vo-image-jxl-distance Double (0 to 15) (default: 1.000)
    --vo-image-jxl-effort Integer (1 to 9) (default: 4)
    --vo-image-outdir String (default: ) [file]
    --vo-image-png-compression Integer (0 to 9) (default: 7)
    --vo-image-png-filter Integer (0 to 5) (default: 5)
    --vo-image-tag-colorspace Flag (default: yes)
    --vo-image-webp-compression Integer (0 to 6) (default: 4)
    --vo-image-webp-lossless Flag (default: no)
    --vo-image-webp-quality Integer (0 to 100) (default: 75)
    --vo-kitty-alt-screen Flag (default: yes)
    --vo-kitty-cols Integer (default: 0)
    --vo-kitty-config-clear Flag (default: yes)
    --vo-kitty-height Integer (default: 0)
    --vo-kitty-left Integer (default: 0)
    --vo-kitty-rows Integer (default: 0)
    --vo-kitty-top Integer (default: 0)
    --vo-kitty-use-shm Flag (default: no)
    --vo-kitty-width Integer (default: 0)
    --vo-null-fps Double (0 to 10000) (default: 0.000)
    --vo-tct-256 Flag (default: no)
    --vo-tct-algo Choices: plain half-blocks (default: half-blocks)
    --vo-tct-height Integer (default: 0)
    --vo-tct-width Integer (default: 0)
    --vo-vaapi-scaled-osd Flag (default: no)
    --vo-vaapi-scaling Choices: default fast hq nla (default: default)
    --vo-vdpau-chroma-deint Flag (default: yes)
    --vo-vdpau-colorkey Color (default: #FF020507)
    --vo-vdpau-composite-detect Flag (default: yes)
    --vo-vdpau-denoise Float (0 to 1) (default: 0.000)
    --vo-vdpau-force-yuv Flag (default: no)
    --vo-vdpau-fps Float (default: 0.000)
    --vo-vdpau-hqscaling Integer (0 to 9) (default: 0)
    --vo-vdpau-output-surfaces Integer (2 to 15) (default: 3)
    --vo-vdpau-output_surfaces alias [deprecated] for output-surfaces
    --vo-vdpau-pullup Flag (default: no)
    --vo-vdpau-queuetime-fs Integer (default: 50)
    --vo-vdpau-queuetime-windowed Integer (default: 50)
    --vo-vdpau-queuetime_fs alias [deprecated] for queuetime-fs
    --vo-vdpau-queuetime_windowed alias [deprecated] for queuetime-windowed
    --vo-vdpau-sharpen Float (-1 to 1) (default: 0.000)
    --vobsub removed [deprecated]
    --volstep removed [deprecated]
    --volume Float (-1 to 1000) (default: 100.000)
    --volume-max Float (100 to 1000) (default: 130.000)
    --watch-later-directory String (default: ) [file]
    --watch-later-options String list (default: start,osd-level,speed,edition,pause,volume,mute,audio-delay,fullscreen,ontop,border,gamma,brightness,contrast,saturation,hue,deinterlace,vf,af,panscan,aid,vid,sid,sub-delay,sub-speed,sub-pos,sub-visibility,sub-scale,sub-use-margins,sub-ass-force-margins,sub-ass-vsfilter-aspect-compat,sub-ass-override,ab-loop-a,ab-loop-b,video-aspect-override)
    --wayland-app-id String (default: mpv)
    --wayland-configure-bounds Choices: auto no yes (default: auto)
    --wayland-content-type Choices: auto none photo video game (default: auto)
    --wayland-disable-vsync Flag (default: no)
    --wayland-edge-pixels-pointer Integer (0 to 2147483647) (default: 16)
    --wayland-edge-pixels-touch Integer (0 to 2147483647) (default: 32)
    --wid Integer64 (default: -1)
    --window-dragging Flag (default: yes)
    --window-maximized Flag (default: no)
    --window-minimized Flag (default: no)
    --window-scale Double (0.001 to 100) (default: 1.000)
    --write-filename-in-watch-later-config Flag (default: no)
    --x11-bypass-compositor Choices: no yes fs-only never (default: fs-only)
    --x11-name String (default: )
    --x11-netwm Choices: auto no yes (default: auto)
    --x11-present Choices: no auto yes (default: auto)
    --xineramascreen removed [deprecated]
    --xv-adaptor Integer (-1 to any) (default: -1)
    --xv-buffers Integer (1 to 10) (default: 2)
    --xv-ck Choices: use set cur (default: cur)
    --xv-ck-method Choices: none bg man auto (default: man)
    --xv-colorkey Integer (default: 65280)
    --xv-no-colorkey removed [deprecated]
    --xv-port Integer (0 to any) (default: 0)
    --xy removed [deprecated]
    --ytdl Flag (default: yes)
    --ytdl-format String (default: )
    --ytdl-raw-options Key/value list (default: )
    --zoom removed [deprecated]
    --{ Flag [not in config files]
    --} Flag [not in config files]

    Total: 1157 options

    Life is good,

    o- o- -o -o -o -o o- -o o- -o o- -o -o -o -o -o /) /) (\ (\ (\ (\ /) (\ /) (\ /) (\ (\ (\ (\ (\ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ... Fidonet 4K - Sweet Sixteen Penguins of the Apocalypse.
    --- GNU bash, version 5.2.15(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
    * Origin: One of us @ (1:153/7001.2989)