• Re: test

    From Don Lowery@1:340/1000 to Phil Taylor on Sat Apr 18 16:47:52 2020
    This is a test
    --- CNet/5
    * Origin: 1:275/201.0 (1:275/201.30)

    Coming thru loud & clear!

    ACME BBS-Member of fsxNet/WWIVNet/SciNet/AmigaNet/VKRadio/FidoNet/MicroNet.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/04/09 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: ACME BBS-W.Coyote & D.Brown are our best users. (1:340/1000)
  • From Richard Menedetter@2:310/31 to Phil Taylor on Sun Apr 19 05:45:38 2020
    Hi Phil!

    18 Apr 2020 16:50, from Phil Taylor -> All:

    @MSGID: 1:275/201.30@fidonet 5e9b8454
    @PID: CNet PRO 5.21b
    This is a test

    SEEN-BY: 1/19 14/5 15/0 16/0 19/36 106/201 116/18 120/331 123/130 131 SEEN-BY: 123/140 153/7715 154/10 201/0 203/0 124 218/700 221/0 1 222/2 SEEN-BY: 229/101 426 230/0 150 152 240/5832 250/1 261/38 100 266/512 SEEN-BY: 267/155 275/0 89 91 93 95 98 100 101 201 301 280/464 5003
    SEEN-BY: 282/1031 1056 291/100 111 292/854 8125 310/31 320/119 219
    SEEN-BY: 340/400 341/66 342/13 396/45 423/120 640/1321 712/848 770/1 SEEN-BY: 801/161 189 2320/105 2452/250 3634/12 5020/1042
    @PATH: 275/201 100 261/38 320/219 203/0 280/464

    CU, Ricsi

    ... Three may keep a secret, if two are dead. -Benjamin Franklin
    --- GoldED+/LNX
    * Origin: Begin a great task while it is still small. (2:310/31)
  • From Thierry Olmedo@4:900/106 to Phil Taylor on Sun Apr 19 18:21:14 2020

    Hello Phil!

    18 Apr 20 16:50, you wrote to all:

    This is a test

    All ok from a PC 386 + DOS , soon Amiga 4000

    regards !


    --- FMail/386 1.60.GPL
    * Origin: 386_40mhz-8MB_ram/DOS6.22/IBM_TCP-IP/Binkd-DOS/Fmail1.6/ (4:900/106)
  • From Mike Powell@1:2320/105 to THIERRY OLMEDO on Mon Apr 20 14:35:00 2020
    All ok from a PC 386 + DOS , soon Amiga 4000
    * Origin: 386_40mhz-8MB_ram/DOS6.22/IBM_TCP-IP/Binkd-DOS/Fmail1.6/ (4:900/106)

    I am curious... what package are you using to provide IBM_TCP-IP on an
    MS-DOS machine?


    * SLMR 2.1a * ASCII stupid question - get a stupid ANSI
    --- SBBSecho 3.10-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From mark lewis@1:3634/12.73 to Mike Powell on Mon Apr 20 19:25:44 2020

    On 2020 Apr 20 14:35:00, you wrote to THIERRY OLMEDO:

    All ok from a PC 386 + DOS , soon Amiga 4000
    * Origin: 386_40mhz-8MB_ram/DOS6.22/IBM_TCP-IP/Binkd-DOS/Fmail1.6/

    I am curious... what package are you using to provide IBM_TCP-IP on an MS-DOS machine?

    i forget the files that i used long ago but i ripped a few of the network drivers from WfWG and used them on an original IBM PC running off floppies... the machine was able to be a NETBIOS file server or client but only just barely... loading a different driver provided TCP/IP capabilities... again, it was just barely functional because it was highly limited by memory and disk space but it worked and that was the main thing...


    "The soul of a small kitten in the body of a mighty dragon. Look on my majesty,
    ye mighty, and despair! Or bring me catnip. Your choice. Oooh, a shiny thing!" ... NWT: where it's Politically Correct to eat whales.
    * Origin: (1:3634/12.73)
  • From Mike Powell@1:2320/105 to MARK LEWIS on Tue Apr 21 13:26:00 2020
    * Origin: 386_40mhz-8MB_ram/DOS6.22/IBM_TCP-IP/Binkd-DOS/Fmail1.6/
    I am curious... what package are you using to provide IBM_TCP-IP on an MS-DOS machine?
    i forget the files that i used long ago but i ripped a few of the network drivers from WfWG and used them on an original IBM PC running off floppies... the machine was able to be a NETBIOS file server or client but only just barely... loading a different driver provided TCP/IP capabilities... again,
    was just barely functional because it was highly limited by memory and disk space but it worked and that was the main thing...

    I have/had a copy of the MS network client working a few years ago... also barely. IIRC, I was able to map to a network drive on a system running as
    the server. I was able to do a few other things, include get an IP address assigned from the network. I do not remember ever being able to get traffic out past the local network, though.


    * SLMR 2.1a * Sir! Romulan Warbird decloaking off th #%NO CARRIER
    --- SBBSecho 3.10-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From mark lewis@1:3634/12.73 to Mike Powell on Thu Apr 23 13:03:52 2020

    On 2020 Apr 21 13:26:00, you wrote to me:

    i forget the files that i used long ago but i ripped a few of the
    network drivers from WfWG and used them on an original IBM PC running
    off floppies... the machine was able to be a NETBIOS file server or
    client but only just barely... loading a different driver provided
    TCP/IP capabilities... again, it was just barely functional because it
    was highly limited by memory and disk space but it worked and that was
    the main thing...

    I have/had a copy of the MS network client working a few years ago...
    also barely. IIRC, I was able to map to a network drive on a system running as the server. I was able to do a few other things, include
    get an IP address assigned from the network. I do not remember ever
    being able to get traffic out past the local network, though.

    yeah, you would have to check the routing table and ensure the default route was to the perimeter device like the other systems on the network have...

    you would definitely have to have external tools like ping, tracert, host, and ftp, too... also a text based browser like links or lynx for any web browsing... all of these would have to work with the configured packet driver, too... this is where the ones like those compiled with (eg:) wattcp(?) would be
    used and you'd have to be using the wattcp packet driver, as well...

    those were the fun times! getting it working and then trying to hunt down the pre-compiled tools to work with that version of DOS and the packet driver being


    "The soul of a small kitten in the body of a mighty dragon. Look on my majesty,
    ye mighty, and despair! Or bring me catnip. Your choice. Oooh, a shiny thing!" ... we've got some local color happening. A grand entrance would not go amiss righ
    * Origin: (1:3634/12.73)
  • From Robert Wolfe@1:261/20 to Phil Taylor on Sun Apr 26 11:52:20 2020
    Phil Taylor wrote in a message to All:

    This is a test

    ___ CNet/5
    - Origin: 1:275/201.0 (1:275/201.30)

    This is a reply.


    --- timEd/2 1.30+
    * Origin: Omicron Theta/2 * Memphis, TN (1:261/20)
  • From Harry Padbury@1:275/201.30 to All on Mon Mar 1 21:22:38 2021
    --- CNet/5
    * Origin: 1:275/201.0 (1:275/201.30)
  • From Wilfred van Velzen@2:280/464 to Harry Padbury on Tue Mar 2 09:45:08 2021
    Hi Harry,

    On 2021-03-01 21:22:39, you wrote to All:

    @MSGID: 1:275/201.30@fidonet 603daf85
    @PID: CNet PRO 5.21b
    --- CNet/5
    * Origin: 1:275/201.0 (1:275/201.30)
    SEEN-BY: 15/0 19/36 106/201 116/18 120/331 123/140 124/5016 153/7715 SEEN-BY: 154/10 203/0 218/700 221/0 222/2 229/101 230/150 152 240/5832 SEEN-BY: 250/1 261/38 100 266/512 267/155 275/0 89 91 93 95 98 99 100 SEEN-BY: 275/101 201 301 280/464 5003 5006 282/1056 291/100 111 292/854 SEEN-BY: 292/8125 310/31 320/119 219 340/400 341/66 396/45 423/120 633/280 SEEN-BY: 640/1321 1384 712/617 620 848 770/1 801/161 189 2320/105 2452/250 SEEN-BY: 3634/12 5020/1042
    @PATH: 275/201 100 261/38 712/848 280/464

    Please use the FIDOTEST or TEST area for testing!

    Bye, Wilfred.

    --- FMail-lnx64
    * Origin: FMail development HQ (2:280/464)
  • From Benny Pedersen@2:230/0 to Wilfred van Velzen on Fri Mar 12 03:19:42 2021
    Hello Wilfred!

    02 Mar 2021 09:45, Wilfred van Velzen wrote to Harry Padbury:

    Please use the FIDOTEST or TEST area for testing!

    path lines might be very diffrent

    Regards Benny

    ... too late to die young :)

    --- Msged/LNX 6.1.2 (Linux/5.11.5-gentoo-x86_64 (x86_64))
    * Origin: I will always keep a PC running CPM 3.0 (2:230/0)
  • From Wilfred van Velzen@2:280/464 to Benny Pedersen on Sat Mar 13 14:17:54 2021
    Hi Benny,

    On 2021-03-12 03:19:42, you wrote to me:

    Please use the FIDOTEST or TEST area for testing!

    path lines might be very diffrent

    If that was his goal he should have been more specific...

    Bye, Wilfred.

    --- FMail-lnx64
    * Origin: FMail development HQ (2:280/464)
  • From Benny Pedersen@2:230/0 to Wilfred van Velzen on Sun Mar 14 00:19:04 2021
    Hello Wilfred!

    13 Mar 2021 14:17, Wilfred van Velzen wrote to Benny Pedersen:

    Please use the FIDOTEST or TEST area for testing!
    path lines might be very diffrent
    If that was his goal he should have been more specific...

    we can save another beer in r20 :)

    Regards Benny

    ... too late to die young :)

    --- Msged/LNX 6.1.2 (Linux/5.11.5-gentoo-x86_64 (x86_64))
    * Origin: I will always keep a PC running CPM 3.0 (2:230/0)
  • From Lee Westlake@2:250/6 to All on Sun Jun 26 18:47:50 2022
    This is a test.

    TALIADON (Lee Westlake) | TALIADON BBS (taliadon.ddns.net:23)
    FidoNet: 2:250/6 | fsxNet: 21:3/138 | EMail: taliadon-bbs@mail.com ------------------------------------------------------------------

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/24 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: TALIADON BBS (2:250/6)
  • From Lee Westlake@2:250/6 to Wilfred van Velzen on Sun Jun 26 21:46:26 2022
    On 2022-06-26 18:47:51, you wrote to All:

    @MSGID: 2:250/6 4169c709
    @TID: Mystic BBS 1.12 A47
    @TZUTC: 0100
    This is a test.

    Your getting through...

    Thanks Wilfred, much appreciated as always :)

    TALIADON (Lee Westlake) | TALIADON BBS (taliadon.ddns.net:23)
    FidoNet: 2:250/6 | fsxNet: 21:3/138 | EMail: taliadon-bbs@mail.com ------------------------------------------------------------------

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/24 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: TALIADON BBS (2:250/6)
  • From Lee Westlake@2:250/6 to Smooth on Sun Jun 26 21:47:10 2022
    You're test made it to iNK tWO bbs here in Covina, CA. :D

    Thanks Smooth, much appreciated :)

    TALIADON (Lee Westlake) | TALIADON BBS (taliadon.ddns.net:23)
    FidoNet: 2:250/6 | fsxNet: 21:3/138 | EMail: taliadon-bbs@mail.com ------------------------------------------------------------------

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/24 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: TALIADON BBS (2:250/6)