• Re: The Atlantic

    From Dale Shipp@1:261/1466 to Aaron Thomas on Mon Sep 7 00:20:00 2020
    On 09-06-20 13:00, Aaron Thomas <=-
    spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: The Atlantic <=-

    Some of it is on audio/video. E.g. the way he denigrated Senator McCain for being captured as a POW. The way he treated the gold star man,
    Kahn. Some of the other statements had already been published. It is

    I'm talking about the alleged 2018 comments, which very mysteriously
    have been alleged in 2020, 2 months before re-election. Why didn't
    these liars make their allegations 2 years ago?

    2018, etc. Shows a consistent pattern of behavior.

    Senator McCain was an obstructionist with a chip on his shoulder. He
    was jealous of Trump, just like Mitt Romney; 2 immature douche bags
    who can't get over themselves, not even to help their party achieve
    their goals.

    Actually McCain and Romney were the only two Repubicans who did not
    abandon their party in favor of Trumpism. Just compare what many other
    leaders had to say about Trump before he got nominated versus what they
    then said later. In my mind, that shows a lack of moral fiber in them.

    Dale Shipp
    fido_261_1466 (at) verizon (dot) net

    ... Shipwrecked in Silver Spring, Maryland. 00:23:43, 07 Sep 2020
    ___ Blue Wave/DOS v2.30

    --- Maximus/NT 3.01
    * Origin: Owl's Anchor (1:261/1466)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:229/426 to Mike Miller on Mon Sep 7 01:48:28 2020
    I mean. It's one of the most well known literary, political science and lifestyle magazines in the United States, so yeah, I wouldn't expect you to know of it. (it's been around for over 150 years)

    Talking to me like I'm stupid, just because I'm a Republican, is not a favor that I return to liberals. I take it that you and I get off on entirely different types of magazines - opposite kind probably!

    Since the Atlantic broke the story, it's now been independently confirmed b The Associated Press, and Fox News, among other news organizations...

    "It's now been independently confirmed." You're too much. Nobody "confirmed" anything until we have proof. You can have 1000 people "confirm" something but it still means nothing without physical evidence.

    --- Renegade vY2Ka2
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:229/426 to Dale Shipp on Mon Sep 7 02:02:42 2020
    Actually McCain and Romney were the only two Repubicans who did not
    abandon their party in favor of Trumpism. Just compare what many other

    What do you mean by "abandon their party?" The reason for Trump's success (success through the eyes of the conservative) is his devotion to conservative causes.

    You think it's a coincidence that both of those men lost the presidential election and both are critical of Trump, while all the other Republicans
    love the crap out of him?

    Trump can cheat on his wife, talk derogatory about sharia law, talk
    derogatory about John McCain, and he can even keep his tax returns private, but we don't care about that crap. All we care about is his policies and
    we've seen him work pretty diligently towards attaining some of them.

    So you and Anderson need to do better than "four people said Trump said..."
    and "Trump cheated on his wife with Stormy Daniels"
    and "Trump only got us 1/2 of a wall and Mexico didn't pay.."

    That's a bunch of crap that we honestly don't give a crap about. He's still our man for 2020. There's no Republican who we can look up to as much as we look up to Trump. Paul Ryan? Forget it! He's that screwdriver that never comes out of the toolbox. Ted Cruz? Ok, we like Ted, but he's obviously not strong enough to fill Trump's shoes.

    --- Renegade vY2Ka2
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Mike Miller@1:154/30.1 to Aaron Thomas on Tue Sep 8 00:32:00 2020
    Hello, Aaron Thomas.
    On 9/7/20 11:28 PM you wrote:

    I'm not sure how you get "physical evidence" about something
    someone said.
    Tape recorders, video tape, cellphones, people who work in the
    media have heard of these terms.
    The best you can do is have multiple witnesses confirm that what
    was said. now even Fox News has done that.
    Fox News can kiss it too if they don't have some type of
    You'll take Trumps word on things, when he offers no evidence or proof, yet you demand it from others.

    Hypocrisy at its finest
    BBS: warensemble.com
    --- Hotdoged/2.13.5/Android
    * Origin: South of Heaven - warensemble.com (1:154/30.1)
  • From Dale Shipp@1:261/1466 to Aaron Thomas on Tue Sep 8 01:33:00 2020
    On 09-07-20 02:02, Aaron Thomas <=-
    spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: The Atlantic <=-

    Actually McCain and Romney were the only two Repubicans who did not abandon their party in favor of Trumpism. Just compare what many other

    What do you mean by "abandon their party?" The reason for Trump's
    success (success through the eyes of the conservative) is his devotion
    to conservative causes.

    The only thing that Trump is devoted to is his own ego and his own
    pocket book.

    You think it's a coincidence that both of those men lost the
    presidential election and both are critical of Trump, while all the
    other Republicans love the crap out of him?

    Those two men had integrity.

    Trump can cheat on his wife, talk derogatory about sharia law, talk derogatory about John McCain, and he can even keep his tax returns private, but we don't care about that crap. All we care about is his policies and we've seen him work pretty diligently towards attaining
    some of them.

    And you just explained that Trump is devoid of any moral compass.

    and "Trump only got us 1/2 of a wall and Mexico didn't pay.."

    Actually, Trump came no where near to 1/2 of the wall he promised. He
    did rebuild a moderate amount of existing wall, but only built a few
    miles of new walls. Of course Mexico didn't pay -- and Trump knew that
    they never would. That was just one of his campaign bluster promises.

    That's a bunch of crap that we honestly don't give a crap about. He's still our man for 2020. There's no Republican who we can look up to as much as we look up to Trump.

    Too bad. Consider what so many current prominent Republicans said about
    him before he won the nomination versus what they say now. The word
    hypocrisy comes to mind.

    Dale Shipp
    fido_261_1466 (at) verizon (dot) net

    ... Shipwrecked in Silver Spring, Maryland. 01:40:16, 08 Sep 2020
    ___ Blue Wave/DOS v2.30

    --- Maximus/NT 3.01
    * Origin: Owl's Anchor (1:261/1466)
  • From Dale Shipp@1:261/1466 to Aaron Thomas on Tue Sep 8 01:41:02 2020
    On 09-07-20 02:02, Aaron Thomas <=-
    spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: The Atlantic <=-

    Actually McCain and Romney were the only two Repubicans who did not abandon their party in favor of Trumpism. Just compare what many other

    As I have said there are many other Republicans who have abandoned
    Trumpism because of his betrayal of American values. Here is one oped
    by a Republican Strategist.

    Editor's Note: Steve Schmidt is one of the founding members of the
    Lincoln Project. He is a communications and public affairs strategist
    who has worked on several Republican campaigns, including John McCain's
    2008 bid for the White House, and is now a regular political contributor
    to MSNBC.

    On Saturday, Schmidt wrote a stinging rebuke of the president on his
    Twitter feed over 11 posts. MaxNewsToday has decided to put together the
    tweets and reprint them as one op-ed as a public service to the nation.

    I find it necessary to reach for the language and colorful
    colloquialisms of my native land, New Jersey, in order to express my
    feelings about today’s event in Bedmimster.

    It was a fucking travesty. Truly. An utter fucking disgrace. The
    President of the United States of America stood behind the seal of his
    office, framed by American flags and his private club’s membership,
    slurring and raving about his victimization. His titanic self-pity was
    only exceeded by his dishonesty and uncontrolled lying.

    His lying was only subordinate to his staggering idiocy, ignorance,
    ineptitude and incompetence. The incompetence, even after all this time,
    shocks the conscience. 162,000 Americans are dead, and the economy is shattered. So many more will die.

    The evictions, foreclosures and small business closings are just
    beginning. We are in the early hours of one of the greatest tragedies in
    our country's history. None of it had to be, but it has happened because
    Donald Trump is President. His malice, stupidity, ego and insecurity are
    a lethal combination.

    He has wrecked this country in less than four years. He has induced a
    national nosedive, a decline that is precipitous, dangerous and
    humiliating. The world is more dangerous. American soldiers are hunted
    like animals by Taliban killers who are paid bounties by Russian
    killers, and Trump does nothing but kowtow to Putin and advance his

    Trump has divided the country and pitted Americans against each other.
    He has loosed violence against peacefully assembled U.S. citizens and
    deployed militarized paramilitary forces to escalate tensions in
    American cities in the name of law and order, when the real purpose and
    mission is to stoke the embers of chaos and create fear.

    Fear, built on a mountain of lies, is the autocrats sword and shield.
    Trump stokes fear to abuse his power and press forward with his assaults
    on the rule of law, our essential institutions and our national comity,
    all in the name of his corruption, aggrandizement and cult of

    It is a despicable hour in the life of this country. This will be ended
    because it must end. We will lose the country if Trump isn’t repudiated.
    Make no mistake about the intentions of a president who is openly
    undermining the 231-year-old tradition of American elections. He is
    undermining the legitimacy of the coming election with no regard for the consequences to liberal democracy here and around the world.

    Fascism didn’t rise in the thirties because it was strong. It rose
    because democracy was weak. American democracy is weak, decayed and led
    by an illiberal man who, if he could, would cancel the election, lock up
    his political opponents, enrich his friends and remain in power for

    Trump is the greatest failure in American history. No American has
    failed history’s test in a more spectacular fashion. His stoking of
    racial tensions and a cold civil war in our land will live in infamy.

    His disgrace will be eternal.

    Dale Shipp
    fido_261_1466 (at) verizon (dot) net

    ... Shipwrecked in Silver Spring, Maryland. 01:47:28, 08 Sep 2020
    ___ Blue Wave/DOS v2.30

    --- Maximus/NT 3.01
    * Origin: Owl's Anchor (1:261/1466)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:229/426 to Mike Miller on Tue Sep 8 10:40:28 2020
    You'll take Trumps word on things, when he offers no evidence or proof, yet you demand it from others.

    I'll give the president the benefit of the doubt. Now even your pal John Bolton is claiming that the president didn't say those things, and that the trip was cancelled due to weather. And John Bolton hates Trump.

    --- Renegade vY2Ka2
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:229/426 to Dale Shipp on Tue Sep 8 10:52:16 2020
    The only thing that Trump is devoted to is his own ego and his own
    pocket book.

    If you're looking for a candidate who can "cure cancer" or who likes to say "You're fired" to Ukrainian prosecutors, look no further than Joe Biden.

    Those two men had integrity.

    Just because they oppose Trump? What else have they done for you?

    Too bad. Consider what so many current prominent Republicans said about him before he won the nomination versus what they say now. The word hypocrisy comes to mind.

    Like who? Some state senator for Michigan? A former republican governor from Iowa? You're good at writing some headlines here, but where's the story?

    --- Renegade vY2Ka2
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:229/426 to Dale Shipp on Tue Sep 8 11:12:56 2020
    Editor's Note: Steve Schmidt is one of the founding members of the

    Steve Schmidt is entitled to his opinion, as is everyone else, but I'd like to get a list of Republican members of Congress or the Senate who oppose Trump policy. I think Mitt Romney will be the only person on a list like that, and he's going to have a difficult time explaining his behavior to residents in his district.

    slurring and raving about his victimization. His titanic self-pity was
    only exceeded by his dishonesty and uncontrolled lying.

    Trump is totally a victim, but he's a victim who's gonna retaliate.

    He has wrecked this country in less than four years. He has induced a national nosedive, a decline that is precipitous, dangerous and humiliating. The world is more dangerous. American soldiers are hunted like animals by Taliban killers who are paid bounties by Russian
    killers, and Trump does nothing but kowtow to Putin and advance his

    I'm willing to talk about Trump failures with you or with Steve Schmidt, but I don't care to talk about baseless opinions.

    There's evidence that Trump wants the USA to have peace with Russia, and that he's willing to reduce sanctions as a bargaining tool, but there's no evidence that Trump is not doing anything to resolve an alleged issue involving Russians killing Americans. The Commander in Chief isn't the guy who flies to Russia to investigate, he doesn't go to the military bases and pull files from libraries, he doesn't sniff the Russians to see if they smell like American blood - it's not his job. The Commander In Chief position sounds important, but we haven't had a military president in office since George W, and not even George W was any sort of military investigation expert. So what you want
    from Trump in this matter is something you ain't gonna get from Biden
    either. You need to probably ask the NSA, but good luck with those guys, because all they wanna do is undo the 2016 election.

    failed history*s test in a more spectacular fashion. His stoking of
    racial tensions and a cold civil war in our land will live in infamy.

    The media (even Fox News) stokes racial tensions. Trump eases racial tensions. People who love to be angry, well, they hate that.

    --- Renegade vY2Ka2
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:229/426 to Dale Shipp on Wed Sep 9 00:40:22 2020
    A few examples are Linsey Graham and many other sitting Republican Senators, both Republican former Presidents, a basket full of governors
    and former governors.

    I'm confused, because Lindsey Graham is a huge Trump supporter.

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Republicans_who_opposed_th _2016_Donald_Trump_presidential_campaign

    I appreciate you bringing this to my attention, but unfortunately that link didn't work.

    --- Renegade vY2Ka2
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:221/360 to Aaron Thomas on Thu Sep 10 19:28:08 2020
    Hello Aaron,

    I still appreciate you, but Wikipedia is fake news. Look at the 2nd name on
    the list: George W Bush. George W Bush said reports of him not supporting Trump's 2020 campaign are "completely made up."

    George P. Bush has never been POTUS. As such, his endorsement
    of Trump is meaningless. Jeb Bush, who is George P. Bush's father,
    says he has not decided who will vote for. Probably so as not to
    offend his son, George P.

    George W. Bush, who actually did serve as POTUS, has not endorsed
    Trump. And has absolutely no plans to do so at any time in the future. Especially since he has publicly stated he will not vote for Trump.

    That should be enough to put to an end your little fantasy.


    The people! Unite! Will never be defeated!

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: nntp://rbb.fidonet.fi - Lake Ylo - Finland (2:221/360.0)
  • From TIM RICHARDSON@1:123/140 to AARON THOMAS on Fri Sep 11 21:28:00 2020
    On 09-06-20, DALE SHIPP said to AARON THOMAS:

    On 09-05-20 10:36, Aaron Thomas <=-
    spoke to All about The Atlantic <=-

    I'll believe that Trump made those comments when I hear them. Where's
    the audio/video?

    Some of it is on audio/video. E.g. the way he denigrated Senator McCain DS>for being captured as a POW.

    Lets do a little fact check here;

    McCain was a screwup who wouldn't have even gotten past his first mishap had
    it not been for the fact he was an admiral's relative!

    His first fuck-up involved slamming an AD-6 Skyraider into Corpus Christi bay due to his neglegence. He `claimed'; "The engine quit while I was practicing landings". (His words)

    The Naval investigation board that looked into the `accident' found no
    evidence of `engine failure'!

    Their finding: He was using a power setting too low to maintain level flight
    in a turn.

    In 1961 he was a pilot aboard the aircraft Carrier `Intrepid' off Spain when
    he `clowned around' with a Skyraider over Spain and flew into some electrical wires, causing a blackout

    Another time, in 1965, he crashed a T-2 trainer jet in Virginia.

    He had a jet destroyed on the dack of an Aircraft Carrier in 1967 in Vietnam, and three months after that was shot down over Hanoi!

    The first `incident was a wake-up call.....the second was a two-engine fire alarm blasting loudly for this jerk to be yanked off the flight roster and re-assigned to a post far away from aircraft.

    Any ordinary Navy pilot would have probably been sidelined after the second incident (if not the very first).

    Being both the son AND grandson of Navy admirals probably had a lot to do with him continuing to fly in the Navy. He shouldn't have been flying at all when
    he was shot down.


    Street sign near leftie/BLM riot-protest: "Don't Brake for

    The way he treated the gold star man,
    Kahn. Some of the other statements had already been published. It is DS>the way that they hit when put all together that is telling about his DS>attitude.

    Dale Shipp
    fido_261_1466 (at) verizon (dot) net

    ... Shipwrecked in Silver Spring, Maryland. 02:03:10, 06 Sep 2020
    ___ Blue Wave/DOS v2.30

    --- Maximus/NT 3.01
    * Origin: Owl's Anchor (1:261/1466)

    *Durango b301 #PE*
    * Origin: Fido Since 1991 | QWK by Web | BBS.FIDOSYSOP.ORG (1:123/140)
  • From TIM RICHARDSON@1:123/140 to AARON THOMAS on Fri Sep 11 20:48:00 2020
    On 09-07-20, AARON THOMAS said to MIKE MILLER:

    I mean. It's one of the most well known literary, political science and lifestyle magazines in the United States, so yeah, I wouldn't expect you
    to MM> know of it. (it's been around for over 150 years)

    Talking to me like I'm stupid, just because I'm a Republican, is not a AT>favor that I return to liberals. I take it that you and I get off on AT>entirely different types of magazines - opposite kind probably!

    Since the Atlantic broke the story, it's now been independently confirmed
    b MM> The Associated Press, and Fox News, among other news organizations...

    "It's now been independently confirmed." You're too much. Nobody AT>"confirmed" anything until we have proof. You can have 1000 people AT>"confirm" something but it still means nothing without physical evidence.

    To a leftie democrat just the claim alone is proof enough. Damn the facts! The `claim' is the thing!


    "Put Trump's photo on the score board with the announcement:
    Please stand for the National Anthem, or kneel to your president!"

    *Durango b301 #PE*
    * Origin: Fido Since 1991 | QWK by Web | BBS.FIDOSYSOP.ORG (1:123/140)
  • From TIM RICHARDSON@1:123/140 to AARON THOMAS on Fri Sep 11 20:58:00 2020
    On 09-08-20, MIKE MILLER said to AARON THOMAS:

    Hello, Aaron Thomas.
    On 9/7/20 11:28 PM you wrote:

    I'm not sure how you get "physical evidence" about something
    someone said.
    Tape recorders, video tape, cellphones, people who work in the
    media have heard of these terms.
    The best you can do is have multiple witnesses confirm that what
    was said. now even Fox News has done that.

    Fox News can kiss it too if they don't have some type of

    You'll take Trumps word on things, when he offers no evidence or proof, MM>yet you demand it from others.

    Yet they take some wild story as `fact' when they offered no better `evidence' or `proof' than ``annonymus sources''!

    Hypocrisy at its finest



    "The left is `pro-choice'; except for when the choice is:




    *Durango b301 #PE*
    * Origin: Fido Since 1991 | QWK by Web | BBS.FIDOSYSOP.ORG (1:123/140)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:229/426 to Tim Richardson on Sat Sep 12 11:22:14 2020
    I think this message was intended for Dale, but I'll reply to it too:

    McCain was a screwup who wouldn't have even gotten past his first mishap ha it not been for the fact he was an admiral's relative!

    McCain sucked as a presidential candidate. His campaign was weak. His running mate was irelevant to voters. Nobody really gives a crap about an Alaskan governor. The only good thing about McCain was that he was a Republican, but obviously a pushover type - one that we don't really need.

    I think McCain must have been a pretty good father, because Megan McCain is such a nice lady. Also, I'll say that his heart probably was in the right place when he joined the military, but the military should have kept him on the ground.

    Would he have been better than Obama? I'll say probably. He wouldn't have turned into such a liberal activist if it weren't for his animosity towards Trump.

    --- Renegade vY2Ka2
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:221/360 to Aaron Thomas on Sat Sep 12 19:20:10 2020
    Hello Aaron,

    George W. Bush, who actually did serve as POTUS, has not endorsed

    This depends on where you get your news from. George W probably isn't doing
    a fundraiser for Trump, but he did say that reports of him not supporting Trump's 2020 campagin were completely made up." I put a link to that story
    a few messages back.

    Nothing in there saying or suggesting GWB endorsed or would endorse,
    Trump for a second term. Or even to vote for him. That is how much he
    dislikes Trump.

    That should be enough to put to an end your little fantasy.

    I can't stop fantasizing about George W Bush voting for Trump. Nothing gets
    me off more than that.

    Not gonna happen. GWB has publicly stated he will not vote for Trump.


    Make Sure Your Next Erection Is In Safe Hands

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: nntp://rbb.fidonet.fi - Lake Ylo - Finland (2:221/360.0)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:221/360 to Aaron Thomas on Sun Sep 13 23:54:28 2020
    Hello Aaron,

    Not gonna happen. GWB has publicly stated he will not vote for Trump.

    The story published by The Hill says otherwise.

    The story said nothing of the sort.

    What do you think Bush means when he says "The reports of me not supporting
    Trump are completely made-up?"

    Exactly the same thing as if Barack Obama had said it.

    When a president acts in an appropriate manner everyone should
    be supportive. When a president does not act in an appropriate manner
    everyone should condemn the SOB.


    No justice! No peace!

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: nntp://rbb.fidonet.fi - Lake Ylo - Finland (2:221/360.0)