• Effort to Focus on Preparing N1MM Logger+ to Support Other Languages

    From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Fri Aug 2 17:24:19 2019

    Al Kozakiewicz, AB2ZY, a new member of the N1MM Logger+ development team, is focused on preparing the popular logging program to support other languages besides English. He's seeking a group of user volunteers consisting of individuals who can handle translation work as well as individuals who can test translated languages.

    An experimental version of N1MM Logger+ will be built from the production code base at regular intervals and made available to volunteers for testing.

    If interested, contact[1] Kozakiewicz indicating which language(s) you could help with and whether you'd like to help with translation, testing, or both.

    [1] mailto:akozak@hourglass.com

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