• Kuwait is Latest Country to Join the 60-Meter Band Club

    From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Wed Jun 12 15:00:48 2019

    Kuwaiti telecom regulator CITRA, has made available[1] a new secondary Amateur Radio allocation of 5,351.5 - 5,366.5 kHz to Kuwaiti radio amateurs. The Kuwaiti allocation falls under ITU Footnote 5.133B, which, in the case of Kuwait, means a maximum power of 15 W EIRP. The first Kuwaiti ham on the new band was Muhammad, 9K2NO, operating FT8. - Thanks to Paul Gaskell, G4MWO, Editor, The 5 MHz Newsletterÿ

    [1] https://citra.gov.kw/sites/En/Documents/National20Plan.pdf

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