• RE: Off-duty cop shoots 3

    From MATTHEW MUNSON@VERT/IUTOPIA to DENN on Tue Jun 18 12:06:00 2019
    On 6/17/2019 8:10 AM, DENN wrote to DIGITAL MAN:

    I have a rule I follow when I hear a news story, wait 3 day's by then the whole
    story should be out, news outlets usually print sensational headlines that most
    of the time mislead the reader.

    I hope Costco has a video of what actually happened so we would get the real story. I don't
    think it looks good for that police officer. I think LAPD will get a huge lawsuit and the guy
    will likely lose his job.

    þ wcQWK 7.0
  • From Digital Man@VERT to MATTHEW MUNSON on Tue Jun 18 14:24:13 2019
    Re: RE: Off-duty cop shoots 3
    By: MATTHEW MUNSON to DENN on Tue Jun 18 2019 12:06 pm

    On 6/17/2019 8:10 AM, DENN wrote to DIGITAL MAN:

    I have a rule I follow when I hear a news story, wait 3 day's by then the whole
    story should be out, news outlets usually print sensational headlines that most
    of the time mislead the reader.

    I hope Costco has a video of what actually happened so we would get the real story. I don't
    think it looks good for that police officer. I think LAPD will get a huge lawsuit and the guy
    will likely lose his job.

    From the "facts" known to this point, it sounds like he should spend the rest of his life in jail. If you or I shot 3 unarmed people in a Costco, we'd be in jail already.

    digital man

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  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Digital Man on Tue Jun 18 22:04:59 2019
    Re: RE: Off-duty cop shoots 3
    By: Digital Man to MATTHEW MUNSON on Tue Jun 18 2019 02:24 pm

    From the "facts" known to this point, it sounds like he should spend the rest of his life in jail. If you or I shot 3 unarmed people in a Costco, we'd be in jail already.

    la times says officer sez he was waiting in line for food samples and he was knocked down while holding 1 year old son and he was knocked unconscious and woke up again and started 'defending himself'

    i think they need to show the video.
    people are saying what happened doesnt match what the officer said.
    þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Digital Man@VERT to MRO on Tue Jun 18 22:29:26 2019
    Re: RE: Off-duty cop shoots 3
    By: MRO to Digital Man on Tue Jun 18 2019 10:04 pm

    Re: RE: Off-duty cop shoots 3
    By: Digital Man to MATTHEW MUNSON on Tue Jun 18 2019 02:24 pm

    From the "facts" known to this point, it sounds like he should spend the rest of his life in jail. If you or I shot 3 unarmed people in a Costco, we'd be in jail already.

    la times says officer sez he was waiting in line for food samples and he was knocked down while holding 1 year old son and he was knocked unconscious and woke up again and started 'defending himself'

    i think they need to show the video.
    people are saying what happened doesnt match what the officer said.

    And the first thing you do when you wake up from being "knocked out" is to start shooting people? The story is just so suspicious and it really bothers me how the facts are portrayed differently when the shooter is a cop. The killed-man's parents were "injured" (not "shot", though they were shot, and are in critical condition) and "an argument insued which resulted in a shot being fired" instead of "6 to 8 shots being fired" (according to many witnesses present). It's already spun in defense of the cop.

    digital man

    Synchronet/BBS Terminology Definition #44:
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  • From MATTHEW MUNSON@VERT/IUTOPIA to NIGHTFOX on Wed Jun 19 12:04:00 2019
    On 6/17/2019 1:26 PM, NIGHTFOX wrote to DIGITAL MAN:

    Re: Off-duty cop shoots 3 unarmed shoppers at my neighborhood Costco
    By: Digital Man to All on Sun Jun 16 2019 05:39 pm

    So you've probably heard about this story: https://www.pe.com/2019/06/16/man-killed-in-corona-costco-shooting-was-a-

    The cop is not in custody. If this was anyone else, they'd be in jail right now, likely charged with homicide, attempted homicide, and who knows
    what else. But this guy is out free to roam, because of his job?!?

    I know the entire story is not known at this time (argument, assault, mental handicap, or whatever) - but what pisses me off is the immediate change in stature and narrative by the cops once they learned the shooter
    was one of theirs. They minimize the entire scenario, saying just that 2
    others were "injured" (not "shot", as they were) and they took a long time
    to come out with the fact that the dead man was unarmed. And say it was an
    argument that resulted in "a shot fired", when all reports are 6-8 shots
    fired - and clearly the fact that 3 people were shot implies more than one
    "shot fired".

    My wife and I regularly shop at this Costco, often with our kids. We could
    have been there, very easily, so this is extremely close to home.

    I heard about that over the weekend, though I only saw the headline. It's pretty scary. And I agree, they shouldn't change the story when they find out
    it's a police officer. I think he should be treated like any citizen in this
    case, and I'm not even sure it makes much difference if he was off duty or on

    I think at this time, the killing of the man who knocked him over I can see, but I think
    he will get in deeper shit for trying to shoot his parents as well. I hope some justice can

    þ wcQWK 7.0
  • From Dumas Walker@VERT/CAPCITY2 to DIGITAL MAN on Wed Jun 19 19:50:00 2019
    And the first thing you do when you wake up from being "knocked out" is to star
    shooting people?

    If he really was knocked down and out, I wonder if he was concussed.

    The story is just so suspicious and it really bothers me how t
    he facts are portrayed differently when the shooter is a cop. The killed-man's >arents were "injured" (not "shot", though they were shot, and are in critical c
    ndition) and "an argument insued which resulted in a shot being fired" instead >f "6 to 8 shots being fired" (according to many witnesses present). It's alread
    spun in defense of the cop.

    That does sound fishy. Some of it could be explained away by an inaccurate first report, but not all of it.

    On an unrelated note, I am reading this message in a QWK mail reader.
    While other people's messages seem to be line wrapping fine, yours are
    breaking mid-word. In the first & second line of the second quote above, the "t" and the "he" are quoted back as received here. Same with "p" "arents", "co" "ndition", etc.

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  • From Digital Man@VERT to Dumas Walker on Thu Jun 20 13:14:01 2019
    Re: RE: Off-duty cop shoots 3
    By: Dumas Walker to DIGITAL MAN on Wed Jun 19 2019 07:50 pm

    On an unrelated note, I am reading this message in a QWK mail reader.
    While other people's messages seem to be line wrapping fine, yours are breaking mid-word. In the first & second line of the second quote above, the "t" and the "he" are quoted back as received here. Same with "p" "arents", "co" "ndition", etc.

    FSeditor now stores paragraphs of text as a single long line for improved compatibility with more terminals. It sounds like the QWK mail reader you're using doesn't support word-wrapping of message text when displaying to you. Maybe try a different QWK mail reader?

    digital man

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