• Re: Social media shows th

    From Dumas Walker@VERT/CAPCITY2 to BORAXMAN on Mon Feb 15 14:33:00 2021
    There is another aspect, and that is the importance of the mission. Communism >and Nazism made it as if there a massive existential threat. That we were at a
    crossroads, and the fate of humanity hung in the balance. They didn't just >make out Jews to be troublesome, the SURVIVAL of the nation was at stake. Look
    at how leftists talk of this supposed bigotry causing genocide. They make out >as if right wing views are killing people by the thousands, and imperiling us >all. This drives justification, an urgency, it makes taking a life the lesser >evil.

    Time and time again I see rhetoric which would easily justify murder later on, >and its a worry, it really is.

    Agreed. Maybe not at this minute but if we ever swerve too far left,
    towards communism or some other collective "greater good" path, there will
    be trouble for those who do not comply.

    * SLMR 2.1a * "You've stolen my soul!" - Granpa Simpson

    þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From Boraxman@VERT/MSRDBBS to Dumas Walker on Tue Feb 16 21:49:00 2021
    Dumas Walker wrote to BORAXMAN <=-

    @MSGID: <602ADF73.22398.dove-deb@capitolcityonline.net>
    @REPLY: <6029B2A1.20490.dove-deb@bbs.mozysswamp.org>
    There is another aspect, and that is the importance of the mission. Communism
    and Nazism made it as if there a massive existential threat. That we were at a

    crossroads, and the fate of humanity hung in the balance. They didn't just
    make out Jews to be troublesome, the SURVIVAL of the nation was at stake. Look

    at how leftists talk of this supposed bigotry causing genocide. They make out
    as if right wing views are killing people by the thousands, and imperiling us
    all. This drives justification, an urgency, it makes taking a life the lesser

    Time and time again I see rhetoric which would easily justify murder later on,
    and its a worry, it really is.

    Agreed. Maybe not at this minute but if we ever swerve too far left, towards communism or some other collective "greater good" path, there
    will be trouble for those who do not comply.

    The "Communist-Capitalist" dichotomy or axis is not useful as an explanatory model anymore. It is clear that Capitalist entities, CEO's, large companies, big finance, big tech are on the same side as the "communists". Using the term implies that the point of difference is public vs private ownership of the means of capital, and public vs private renting of people, but that isn't the debate.

    This is part of why I think conservatives are losing, many are still fighting the ideological war of the 1940s and 1950s, and are obsolete.

    Woke activists aren't really concerned about this.

    What they are is closer to a religion.

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  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Boraxman on Wed Feb 17 17:41:58 2021
    Re: Re: Social media shows th
    By: Boraxman to Dumas Walker on Tue Feb 16 2021 09:49 pm

    This is part of why I think conservatives are losing, many are still fighting the ideological war of the 1940s and 1950s, and are obsolete.

    Woke activists aren't really concerned about this.

    you mean people with blue and purple hair that dont have jobs?
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